Friday, June 28, 2024

It's...Maggie Time!

It's Friday, it's hot, I am so tired, but isn't looking at cat pictures always worth it? I'm sure you agree because anyone who doesn't wouldn't be reading here.


  1. Cat photos are always a de-stressor for me. Except right now, Mari is trying to crawl into my lap in spite of the laptop sitting there. This morning she threw up on my robe and the recliner. I still love her though!

  2. Somehow the second and third pictures remind me of when we saw a streak of white in the sky while in southern California that turned out to be a SpaceX launch. The one where Elon shot his red Tesla roadster into space.

  3. I love it when they stretch out on you. Queen Maggie! (Is she a Margaret or just a Maggie?)

    1. She's just Maggie. She came named Betsy and we didn't like that, but wanted something of the rhythm.
