Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Still Here, Barely

How am I doing, you ask?
About like that. Holding it together, sort of, but one stretch away from snapping completely (I regularly do a partial snap, like when the cat is pestering me but she doesn't know what she wants but she won't stop bugging me).

Happy with my knitting, at least.

Meanwhile, some people have suggested (semi-seriously) I could try therapeutic drinking; I don't drink a lot (though I think some caramel vodka is going into a coke this evening). so that isn't a strategy for me. But we've ordered some more toffee. Be prepared.

1 comment:

  1. Oh those are GORGEOUS! I've never knit a log cabin design; is that what that second one is?

    Knitting is not only a better form of relaxation, it actually creates something useful and beautiful and makes people happy.
