Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Yeah, ow all right

As expected, I was very sore and stiff this morning (and the cats seemed to be competing for the title of Most Annoying, which made for quite the morning), and I also noticed I managed to bruise both my knees yesterday, ow. So, consider the lesson to remove the inserts before moving the shelves set firmly in my mind!

[In the spirit of "learn something new every day," that was Tuesday's lesson. Monday's was Yard Goats, as in the minor league baseball team coming to Hartford; today's was the meaning of historical control in clinical trials. There's quite a bit of variety in what makes that phrase come to mind on any given day.]

I didn't ride the bike last night, considering the workout I got with the shelves (seriously, sweat dripped off me for at least ten minutes after getting the first one in), but I've been doing pretty well overall. Here's the graphic of hours on the bike, May 2014 through mid-March 2015, and it's a nice upward trend to show the doctor in May.

Really, since the exercise doesn't seem to be having any effect on me physically, the knitting and the looking forward to showing the numbers to the doctor are all I'm getting out of it right now. Which isn't all that much, for the effort and hours I'm putting into it ... picture me shaking my head. And going off to ride again.

1 comment:

  1. Please do remember that muscle weighs more than fat so consider your clothing size before you say there's no overt beneficial evidence. Even if you're wearing the same size you're getting some cardio on a daily basis which is good for your bp and overall heart health. (I sound like I'm channeling somebody's mother, somewhere...)
