Monday, March 30, 2015

A Mild Ow

In the course of this evening, I have managed to bump each of my knees, separately.

If you were wondering if the bruises on my knees still hurt, the answer is yes. Yes, they both do.

In other ouch news, the top joint of my right index finger started to hurt last Thursday afternoon, at work. I didn't notice that I did anything, just that it hurt a bit. I put a band-aid on it that night; even though I didn't see a cut, that's what it felt like, and I always get infected if I don't put cream on cuts, even wee little paper cuts.

But it still hurt in the morning, so I put on a band-aid again, kept it on all day. But it never felt any better, and I couldn't see any cut even when I looked with my contacts out and glasses off; I'm nearsighted, so this is generally the way I see really close up, though it means I'm trying to look at it when I'm not very awake, so that may not help. The finger bothers me a lot more during the day, when I literally can't look at it close up.

Basically, it just still hurts. Maybe hurts is too strong a word: it's tender, and I can't tell why. Could be a development in the arthritis, I guess. I wish it would stop, anyway; I'm hoping that writing about it will make it so. I'm trying to favor it, but it is the first finger of my dominant hand, so that's hard. And with the progression of the arthritis in my hands over the last 10+ years, I generally need all ten fingers more and more.

Sigh. Off to ride the bike. Woo.

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