I don't tend to do social things on work nights. I'll run errands on the way home, but other than my stitch and bitch group, which never runs late and which I can leave when I please, I don't tend to stay out late at all. The reason is that if I get home around the time I would normally be getting ready for bed, I don't want to get ready for bed. I want to look at the mail, play with the cats, have a snack, read a while or watch a little TV ... wind down, essentially. And then I get to bed late and the next day is, um, problematic.
But I was out last night for a good cause (babysitting my friend's twins), and after I got home around 10:30, I puttered around, and it was close to midnight before the light was out. So tired today! Is there a place online to buy willpower? Or perhaps self-control strengthener? I am sorely in need.
Just for fun, here's a house I drove by recently.
Not a bad house, but I would never choose those colors. Would you?
If you want to see another fun picture, and if you would categorize the idea of a man in shorts driving a Zamboni as "fun", head over to the Yarn Harlot today. It's at the end.
In my opinion that house is missing its "gingerbread". You put a little trim around the roof and mount some shutters (trim and shutters in a darker green or a maroon if you're feeling brave) and that house would be painted exactly right. As it is, I still like it.