Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Oh, crud

Remember Monday? Remember that the guy on the radio said there would be sun on Wednesday? So guess what it was like when I woke up this morning?

Go on, guess. Three guesses, first two don't count.

Yup. Raining.

Actually, for most of the day it was gray and misty more than actual rain. The mist didn't seem to be falling, but just there, in the air, making it tangible.

Still, enough. I want to see the glowing orb in the sky, and I want it now.

Okay, not actually now, I know the sun would have set by now if we still had a sun. But tomorrow?

Tomorrow they say we will have sun in the afternoon.

And they had better not be fucking with me again. That is all. I still have the tail end of this cold, which seems determined not to leave until the PMS gets a firm hold on me. I just think that, for the sake of everyone who has to work with me, it would be better if the sun came out. I'm simply being philanthropic.

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