I think that's part of why I don't want to keep working at my temp job while looking for a permanent one: I've really been looking forward to some time off in October. Staying on is the sensible thing to do, so I'll probably be doing it (with time off for trips to Apple Festival and Rhinebeck), but I don't want to, you know? That's the difference.
Anyway, this morning felt good, but now it's that "end of Sunday, work in the morning, didn't get everything done" feeling that isn't quite so nice. I did get a lot done today, actually, both practical like dishes, laundry, vacuuming, and more fun, like reading Blameless (it was good!) and washing and blocking the little shawl and spending time with the furry sleeping on my lap. But the day winds down, and even with applesauce bubbling on the stove and tuna noodle casserole in the oven, I can't help feeling that I never get everything done. Because, you know, it's never all done.
Of course, some people don't believe in "trying to get anything done" because what's the point?
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