But actually I wasn't in trouble: she wanted to tell me that she's filing the paperwork to extend my position "into next year", that I'm doing a great job and catching things even she doesn't see, which is great, and ... and ... I wanted to ask why she hasn't told me this before, why her feedback has consisted of telling me twice in four months that I'm doing well on a project, why she waited until two weeks before the end to mention any of this.
And no, I didn't open that particular can of worms, just said that it was nice to hear, period. But when she pointed out that the original term end date is coming up, I also wanted to say, "Did you think I'd forgotten that?" Which I also did not say.
She asked if I was interested, and I said that well, I've started to make other plans (she looked surprised), but nothing that was firm yet. She said that she would put the paperwork in, and I could let her know if I was interested, and I agreed.
This was, by the way, about an hour after I called back The Guy who called about The Job, but it went to his voice mail. Pins and needles...
So! Pros and Cons!
Pro: It is a job in the most basic sense: it provides a paycheck, with which to pay my bills.
Con: It does not pay enough for comfort. If my mother wasn't a generous person, I would have been pinching pennies big-time this summer.
Pro: It is a job that I already have. No interviews, no waiting and hoping, no selling myself to a stranger. I know the routine and mostly what to do, when, and where.
Con: I hate-hate-hate the commute. And if I hate the T in rush hour in summer and fall, how much will I hate it in winter? Freezing and snow and slush? Coats and boots and scarves and complications?
Pro: It is more or less what I want to do. I don't love the company itself, the way they do things, but it's so much better than the last job.
Con: Very basic benefits. Basic medical and dental, but no paid vacation or sick time.
Con: No certainty. It's still a temp job. I know better than some how there's no guarantee at any job*, but with a permanent job, there is the illusion of certainty.
*Since I moved back to Massachusetts seven and a half years ago, I've worked for four different companies--and at one of them, I had three different jobs.
And as my mother pointed out, if I agree to stay past October first, that doesn't commit me to staying as long as they decide they may want me to. (Someone in the department told my neighbor that his end date was supposed to be last year, and here he still is.)
Have to think.
In other news, I tried on the sock-in-progress tonight, and doesn't it fit! Like it was made for me.
You can see that the yarn vulture was supervising me closely.
He really wants to grab the dangling ends. No!
He can't understand me at all.
Oooh, catching up on all the drama here. . . well, it does look nicer on your resume' the longer you have been in one place--but hey, I hope you get more details about that other job, too.
ReplyDeleteThe yarn vulture probably wants to know why YOU can play with yarn but he's not allowed.
If nothing else, at least you might have options. That's a nice luxury to have, right?
ReplyDeleteI love the lurker in the background. Supervising. Nice sock, love the yarn!
omg. Don't you hate it when this happens?
ReplyDelete1) Please let people know when they are doing a good job. I mean, really. How hard is that?
2) She was surprised you were looking for work elsewhere when your end of date was so imminent? Seriously? ARGH!
3) Nice that, if nothing else comes up, it looks like you have the stability of a known job situation.
4) Sucks that the commute is so horrible. Are there no other commute options open to you? I was lucky enough that a neighbor of mine also works at the same place with roughly the same hours so we are able to commute together. If it weren't for that I'd still be taking metro and hating every minute of it.
5) yeah. I got no 5. Sorry.
6) The sock looks marvelous! Loving the sock. And the cat. Gotta love the cat.
Still crossing my fingers for you for the other job if that's what you prefer. Good luck with all this.