Friday, September 24, 2010

In My Head, This Friday Night

First: oh Friday night I love you. Love love love. And the only thing better than Friday night is knowing that I don't have to get up early Saturday. Sleep, blessèd sleep, you are mine.

Next: Interviews. Ah. How I hate them.

Yes, having passed the day-of feelings (nerves before, relief and hope after), I am now into day-after downer thoughts. Why didn't I say this, ask that, mention the other? Or why did I say/ask/mention that? Was that relevant? When she said that, was she trying to tell me something? Why don't I have a portfolio? What if they don't pick me? Telling myself that hey, I wouldn't want to work there if they aren't smart enough to hire me is ... curiously unconsoling. When will I hear from them?

I e-mailed her a thank you yesterday: should I have? They seemed fairly casual*, but is that too casual? I called her Ms. LastName; should I have used FirstName instead? Was I too formal?

*At least, a pool table in the break area isn't terribly formal. And jeans, chinos, capris are not formal business attire.

Would a too-casual containing a too-formal become neutral?

If I sent a paper thank-you note as well (and I did), is that too much, or just right to remind them of me? Was putting my proofreader card in the note, and writing on it that I'd love to trade it for a TheirCompany card, corny? Cause I did that too.

Am I over-thinking this? Of course I am. It's the day after an interview for a job I really want. After applying, I heard back in a ridiculously short amount of time (less than 48 hours), so there's no way I'm not going to over-think every minute between 9:30 yesterday morning and whenever I hear from them again, assuming I do.

What a week at work, with proofs for the 520-page catalog and the 650-page catalog both coming in and needing review and all those last-chance corrections that seem to happen. I would like to think it wasn't scheduled to happen this way, but intentional or not, whew.

It came out today that my boss didn't even notice* that I came in late yesterday, which is kind of impressive, since it was three hours later than usual. She is something, all right.

*I did tell her, in an e-mail, but she asked in the course of conversation today if I was leaving early, was that today? Wasn't I leaving early one day?

I finished knitting the first of the latest pair of socks on Wednesday night, did I mention that? And am well into the next one now. Plus my little capelet is almost done. Photos soon, I hope.

I picked up the new Gail Carriger novel, Blameless, from Borders today with a 40% off coupon. (Those vixens at Borders, constantly tempting me with coupons. It's to the point where they'll have a 25% or 33% off coupon and I think, "That's not enough, I'm waiting for more." Greedy, but it always comes.) I really (really, really) want to start reading it now, but I have problems putting down books in the middle, at least new books I've been waiting for. I don't want to be up half the night, and I have afternoon and evening plans tomorrow. I think I'd best leave it for Sunday.

Oh, I hate waiting, though. And I can't even tell you why I'm dying to know what happens without major spoilers if you haven't read books one and two (Soulless and Changeless)(and why haven't you read them? why are you denying me someone to talk to about these books? Werewolves, vampires, a woman without a soul, steampunk, Queen Victoria, what more do you want?).

If you need me, I'll be over here gnashing my teeth.


  1. Of course you're totally overthinking it, but that's just natural. I think both "thank you" notes are appropriate, esp in this age of dying manners. It means you are serious about the job which I think matters.

    Fingers crossed!

  2. I think including your card with the "love to exchange this" note was a grand idea -- humorous and showing you would like the job. And how often do employers really get to see handwriting? I'm crossing my appendages.

  3. Heh. I think you sent thank-yous with quite a bit of panache. I almost feel "old school" because I fax and snail-mail mine. I am hoping for the best for you!

    I wonder when my public library will get Blameless!!!! I will be stalking the catalog so I can get first dibs while it's still in-process. ;)
