Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Start Practicing the Crossing of Fingers, Please

My interview is Thursday morning at 9. Any positive thoughts or crossed fingers you can throw my way at that time will be oh so gratefully appreciated.

I feel really good about the opportunity, but very nervous just the same.

I will be taking tylenol pm tonight, and tomorrow night. Right now I'm really tired, but pretty sure I wouldn't sleep well anyway.

My boss has been out of the office yesterday and today, but will be back tomorrow. I'm kind of hoping that she's busy enough tomorrow not to ask me what I've decided about staying on longer. Because what should I say?

I think it would be getting ahead of myself to say that no, I won't be staying past next Friday, I have something else lined up before I've even had the interview. If I don't have another job to go to, the smart thing is to stay there and keep looking for something that's permanent and not in Boston. But I don't want to tell her on Wednesday that I'll stay, and on Thursday (hopefully) that I won't. So, I'm hoping that the 520-page catalog proof waiting for her to review will take up all her attention Wednesday, and allow me to talk to her Thursday afternoon, when I'll know more about how the prospect looks and feels.

I'm trying really, really hard not to get ahead of myself. But the signs have been so promising! Such as:
  • The Guy telling me that the director looked at my resume and said my experience was just what they were looking for.
  • The fact that the previous person who had the job had an over-confidence problem, which is not one of my faults.
  • And oh yes, when The Guy e-mailed me to confirm the interview time, he attached the job description, directions, and their benefits summary. That's not something you just throw in there if you don't think the candidate will need it! Right? It's a good omen! Right?
Just say yes. Thank you.

Now, just to end on something completely random, the other day in the shower I had a piece of hair stuck to my fingers, so I dislodged it onto the wall. And then I looked at, the way it shaped itself:

And I thought, "What does this shape remind me of?"

Do you see it, too? Or am I really that crazy?


  1. I'll say some prayers!

    WV: "cloggien" --that hair will totally be cloggien your shower drain.

  2. Good luck and try not to fret. Easier said than done, I realize, but you and I both know at this point that what is meant to be, will be. As for answering/deflecting questions about remaining at your current job, if it comes up before this new job is signed, sealed and delivered, you merely tell her you are very happy they are extending your current contract, and unless you find a full-time job quickly you intend to stay. If she seems concerned, simply say that since you hadn't heard anything you assumed the position was ending Oct. 1 so you did the sensible thing and a couple of weeks ago started hunting around for your next job. You don't know what will come of it but if nothing works out, you will be staying where you are. It's perfectly reasonable and if she doesn't get that ... she's nuts! You are also 100 times more ethical than anyone else. You do not need to question your morals on this issue one bit.

  3. Ok, I'm thinking those are all good omens. Crossing my fingers here for you.

    If the boss asks if you're staying just say you have not yet made up your mind. When does she need to know?
