The pea vines in my garden are just about finished:

I'm not complaining. They had a good run this year, and really helped make up for last year's disappointment (critter catastrophe; pest problem; varmint vexation). (I did rotate that picture, damn it, Blogger.)
The tomato plants are looking as though they share my feelings about how much rain we've had recently. They're still producing red ones, but the plant part of the plants (to use the technical term) is getting more withered and scraggly every day.

Still, the weekend brought me 8 tomatoes, after 14 all of last week, and more are turning, so I'm happy with that. I'm not the "pop a raw tomato in your mouth" type, but it's nice not to have to buy them to make bruschetta, and I'm looking forward to trying this ricotta-stuffed tomato recipe.
The basil is going great guns. I picked some on Friday (just a little bit, right?):

... and on Monday one of the plants is getting ready to flower again already.

Much as I like pesto, I don't actually want it for every meal, so I'm giving it away now. I also froze some a couple of weeks ago, but I haven't thawed it yet, so I don't know how well that will work. I suppose I ought to thaw it to find out if freezing it is worth doing at all.
The green beans are still producing, though I experienced a curious reluctance to search for them thoroughly this morning when I saw several slugs on the vines. Eew! Slugs are really gross (to me, anyway), and seeing them did not produce in me a desire to handle the plants. In fact, for some odd creepy-crawly-related reason, it made me itch. My mind's workings are a mystery even to me. I managed to get close enough for this shot:

I know; out of focus. Did you want to see the slug in sharp focus? I didn't. And I wasn't going to try again.
Then there was the white spidery guy on the catnip:

And another of the frequent dragonflies (on a weed):

Finally, this guy was strangely entrancing to me.

I don't want him crawling on me, but the ick factor is nothing like the slug. I couldn't tell you why.
Maybe because he looks like self-striping yarn?
Have you tried drying the basil? I do it with my flat parsley each year. I'll email you simple instructions if you like (even if you don't like ;p)