About 2 minutes after I woke up this morning (around 8:30, bliss), I heard a truck coming down the street, stopping and starting, and I said, with a mix of confusion and indignation, "Why is the garbage being picked up on Saturday? We don't get trash pick-up on Saturday! Is that the trash truck? It is! Why is it here on Saturday?"
It took me at least a minute to remember that today, while my own personal Saturday (hey, I slept in, it must be), is actually Tuesday, aka trash day. I think I was not fully awake, yes?
So far today, I have done everything on my list for the day except cut up the ripe tomatoes, and the night is young yet, I may get to that. I went through the lay-off paperwork, I took it to the post office, stopped at the bank, went to the library (pick up and return), finished bringing the boxes in from my car, found my resume so I can work on updating it, and put together a binder to organize all the paperwork that goes with a job search.
And I made a cover for the binder, just for the heck of it:

No, I don't think anyone will see the binder and want to hire me because of that. It just seemed like a good idea at the time. Whatever.
Pan isn't quite back to his usual self yet: he didn't even sleep on the bed last night, which is very unusual. However, copious amounts of sleep are usual for him after a vet visit, so I'm not worried. He's been doing a lot of this:

Sometimes with help:

A couple of times this afternoon, he came along and told me he needed to sleep on my lap, right now please, and I was happy to oblige.
In yesterday's post, I didn't mention that when I could stop worrying, there were a few good things about the weekend. First, my friend took me out to lunch on Saturday to hear the Whole Story, with suitable exclamations of sympathy and indignation, with good food, so that was very satisfying.
Then on Sunday, there was a barbecue at the house of my friends with the twins, which was great fun and I got to do a lot of baby-cuddling which was an excellent distraction. I did talk to a couple of people about the situation, as I found myself unable to give a breezy answer to the "how are things with you" gambit, but overall I didn't keep it at the front of my mind. It was five hours of fun and babies and food, and I was exhausted enough afterward that I couldn't even angst properly before going to bed. Well worth the mosquito bites (unless I get West Nile or EEE or something, but hopefully not, right?), though one of them is itching about 5 times as much as the others and is tremendously annoying. Still, on the list of bothersome things in life right now, it's not even top-five.
And! I floated the idea to my mother that I could use some of my Unexpected Free Time to come visit, and she was most enthusiastic, so I am! Life is full of unexpected things, you know, and you never know when will be the last chance, and just go, I say. So I am.
In conclusion: the sooner I find a new job, the better. But still, things are pretty okay right now.
I love the title on your binder. Just so you can see it and get that push from it is all that matters. Pan and Harold will get used to your being home SO quickly.