I understand it isn't possible to watch all of the Olympics live when they're halfway around the world, but it bothers me slightly to know how much the network will be able to chop and choose what to show me. I suppose I must get over it.
Naturally enough, today's entry at the Big Picture, the Globe's photo blog, was on the Olympics Opening Ceremonies. I didn't look at it right away, thinking I would preserve the mystery, then later decided to look anyway. (That's me: once I make up my mind...well, it depends.) The photos are amazing! I loved this picture of kids making the rings.

They're so into it! They even have their arms linked through each others'. Fantastic.
On the other hand, today's Google home page image creeps me out just a little.

I know, those are the mascot things, so it's not really Google's fault, but ew. No. No.
I watched some of the opening ceremonies, and will watch more as I get ready for bed, but seriously, midnight? Not happening. I think it's my allergies that have me extra-tired lately, but whatever the reason, my heart or my shoes, I am not staying up that late. It's neat, but 4 and a half hours is pushing it.
I will conclude with a Random Photo Moment. Which do you like better, foreground focus:

Or background?

Actually, I will conclude for real by virtually wishing my little twin friends a happy first birthday. How can it have been a year? How?
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