So, I've been busy with a number of things, one of which is trying to get that silly second sock past the heel so that I can be at the lovely plain-knitting stage by Thursday, when
the Harlot is here and I want to be listening to her, not paying attention to a pattern. After Stitch and Bitch tonight, I am at the gusset (what a funny word that is, really), so I'm getting closer, closer, closer. At least it has achieved three-dimensionality! I am also at the stage of feeling that I am not meant to be a sock knitter, but if I can just finish
this sock, I will be content. I want this pair that's all. Then I will go back to my lower-pressure knitting, very happily.
Gardening is also going along nicely. After harvesting cukes last Tuesday and Wednesday, I found today that my little plants have been busy:

It amazes me how fast they grow! That's five and six days, respectively, since they were about the size of paper clips. And I still think it's funny how each plant works on one cuke at a time. I imagine that when I picked these, the plants said, "Next!" and selected which little buds will be the next ones to grow.

Isn't this pretty?

And this?

The woods are lovely, dark and deep,

But if I stop the mosquitoes will eat me alive.
Saturday was rant-worthy, but it's getting late. Perhaps tomorrow.
What beautiful pictures. :o) Just don't eat any part of the plant of the white flower that resembles a tomato blossom. That's deadly nightshade. It will produce a black, shiny berry that I've heard is very pretty. We have sickly nightshade around here (same look, but purple blossoms and red berries) which is only dangerous to small children, the sickly & elderly), but I haven't seen the deadly variety here.
ReplyDeleteSo, admire it's beauty, but I wouldn't touch it. :o)
Do you know the rhyme for remembering poison oak and poison ivy? ;o)
Hurray for getting to the gusset! And yeah, as you may have read, I highly recommend not knitting anything you have to concentrate on with the Harlot around. Or anyone else around, as I seem to have found out. [g] Gusset as fast as you can! No pressure. ::ducks:: And btw, I'm iridiscent green at the thought you get to see her twice this year. Happy for you, but green.
ReplyDeleteAnd go, cucumbers, go! I love the pic with the tendril firmly curling around one of the supports like grim death. (Oh LOL...I just heard a relative of your nemesis chittering angrily at something. Squirrel, not chipmunk. We've got squirrels up the yinyang here, good thing I'm not a gardener! Or drying anything out on the balcony.)