Saturday, July 21, 2007


Good. Book.

I did need tissues, but not at the end, if that's at all reassuring. (I don't want to give anything away.)

I was pretty calm as I headed out this morning to get my copy. I walked into the store behind a young guy in a Red Sox jersey, who stereotypically would have been shopping for video games or potato chips or power tools. He was walking pretty briskly, purposefully even, just ahead of me, turned to the left, walked right to the book display, picked up a copy of book 7, and gave a big, deep, satisfied sigh. Then he turned and walked directly to the registers. One of us, clearly, if in disguise.

I picked up my own copy, and a few other things, then left the store and was suddenly dying to be home, home, home and reading already! Now! The drive home was a lot longer than the drive there had been. By 9:15, I was on the couch and turning to Chapter One: The Dark Lord Ascending. I finished at 3:10, and am considering starting it again, although perhaps not right away. We'll see.

1 comment:

  1. Like you, I finished it in one sitting. Got the book (via Amazon) sometime in the afternoon on Saturday and finished it Sunday morning 2:00.

    I loved it. I thought she did a great job of immediately pulling you in.
