Thursday, February 15, 2007

!*@#%^! winter

Or, notes to self:
  1. buy a shovel
  2. add "discuss definition of 'snow removal' as portion of condo fee" to list of questions for condo board meeting
Yesterday wasn't that bad. The weather was bad enough that I felt justified in staying home, especially knowing that, as is often the case here, it was worse 'north and west of the city', i.e., where I work. Also, it was supposed to keep snowing, or sometimes freezing-raining or sleeting, all day. So, with prior approval from work, I took the day off. I did all the laundry that I didn't do last weekend (aka migraine-apalooza), and felt very accomplished once 7 loads were washed, dried, and put away. I also went out in the evening and shoved the several inches of wet, heavy, frozen-crusty snow off my car, so it wouldn't freeze there overnight. Then I made meatloaf, having cleverly found ground beef in the freezer (which I had to trawl since I not-so-cleverly didn't get to the grocery store before the storm). It was a decent day. Even Pan enjoyed all the times he got onto my lap, though he didn't appreciate all the times I had to remove him from my lap to deal with laundry, etc.

This morning I got up as usual, got ready for work, went out and spent 20 minutes in the freezing cold and freezing-er winds, scraping ice off my windows (oh, my aching arms), then got in the car and couldn't get it out of the driveway.


I think it's understandable that at that point I was questioning my decision to live here.

It's all about definitions, isn't it? To me, winter should mean, "A fourth season whose sole purpose is to be just slightly less pleasant than the others, to make them look even better. Not as sunny, not as warm, not as nice to be out in. The infrequent snowstorm is allowed but not encouraged, and preferably over a weekend when I have no other plans made, especially travel. Ice is not allowed, except on ponds and in drinks. Arctic winds belong in the arctic. Let's keep this civilized."

That is not what winter is here.

Winter is why I moved away. I moved back in spite of winter, not because of it.

Anyway, I hauled my butt back inside~~carefully, because speaking of definitions, someone's definition of "snow removal", while including "the plow doing a rough pass over most of the driveway", does not include anything on the sidewalk, the steps, or the landing*~~and called AAA. Well, after their line was busy a few times I called work to say I would be there when I could, then I hit redial to AAA until I got through, to get my name on the come-help-me list. I spent about as many hours waiting for the Nice Man to arrive as it took him minutes to extricate my car, and I was able to get to work with a minimum of further aggravation, for which I am grateful. And, there was chocolate waiting for me, which helped (my department is That Way about holidays, and I'm not complaining). Still, Not Fun.

*It was done when I got home tonight, but not before I left this morning, which was after 11 a.m. , I mean, my expectations were higher, is what I'm saying.

Maybe I should have known to buy a shovel. But this place came without a manual, you know? It's all learn as you go. I hate that.

Plus, there was a shovel in the building yesterday, I swear. I saw it at the top of the cellar stairs when I was doing laundry. But it was gone when I went to look for it. Who took it, and why?

Being a grown-up is exhausting sometimes. I swear there are nights when if I couldn't have Oreos for dinner, I'd cry. The Bruins had better win tonight.

You want to know the cutest thing? They're starting a road trip tonight, and all the Bruins players and coaches are bringing their dads on the trip with them. Isn't that sweet? Or, if they play badly, maybe their dads will talk some sense into them? I mean, if you play badly, does your dad let you know about it?

Maybe I'm babbling. It's hard to know for sure. I think I need more Oreos, and a cat on my lap, and for the Bruins to win. I can arrange 2 out of 3, at least. And early to bed, I can arrange that.

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