This morning, he was in one of the moods--"Mo-om!"--so I sat down for a moment of lappiness. He got on my lap, settled down, and went to sleep, in about two seconds. Um, Pan? We're not here for the duration. I still have to go to work today.
You don't pay for the cat treats around here. Someone has to go to work.
Eventually I had to evict him. It was not a popular move. Harold was in Pan's favorite spot, and my lap was his consolation spot, and what do you mean you're getting up?
Hard life, eh furface? As I pull on my snow boots, my scarf, gloves, coat, and so everlastingly on, I feel your pain. Really. I do.
That sounds harsh. I'd love to sit and be a lap for him, but that's pretty much a full-time job. We live in the real world, and in order to keep a roof over our heads, food in the bowl, etcetera, I had to get up. (Who am I trying to convince here, you or myself?) It's almost the weekend again, anyway.
When I wrote about the possibility of going to NYC to Represent with the Yarn Harlot, one of the comments I got (okay, of two) was this:
- Marianne said...
Oh! you are so very close, and by train, GO GO GO GO!!!!!
I'm incredibly envious and so very happy that it's such a possible maybe for you!
I got the time off from work, so there doesn't seem to be any reason not to. I can't spend the weekend there, as I'd started to consider, since I actually have an appointment Saturday morning (way to check the datebook before now, ccr). I had to wait 2 months to get a Saturday appointment, I'm not putting it off another month. Though I guess I'll check and make sure they haven't had any cancellations in the interim, just in case. But if they haven't, I'll take the train down Thursday morning, and back Friday night. Still fun! And Represent-y!
And I have a month to make all my plans, which is part of the fun too.
Wait til you see my bloggy "business" cards. Too cute. I'm having more fun making them.
How funny to be reading this right now...because Miss is planted firmly in my lap, purring and kneading, having finally forgiven me for evicting her from the same lap while I was knitting! Pan is sure a pretty kitty!
ReplyDeleteMs. K, just as I read your comment, Harold announced that he was honoring my lap, now please! These cats, eh? Mine have been very lappy lately, and there just isn't enough of me to go around, since they both want the "top" of the lap. Cats!
ReplyDeletePUH-LEEZ cavort in NYC and take me in effigy form! My effigy form is foldable and therefore easily packable. It is quiet and does not consume much...although you might notice the eyes "following" you if you indulge in any chips, popcorn, or potatoes.
ReplyDeleteThe Harlot deserves my full support, but only the flat effigy is available that weekend.
Yay, you're going! Yell out an occasional "Oregon knitters" for me, huh? Or something, depending on how emotive you're willing to get in public. [g]