Friday, March 29, 2024

Just One Thing: Five-Minute Push

I wrote before about the strategy of doing "just one thing" and how it can help chip away at the to-do list. I am happy to report that I did a little bit yesterday in that vein, and it really felt good!

I was in my closet getting clothes for the day and it struck me how silly it was that I have all these shirts and I only ever wear the same ones. I pulled out the shirts I never choose, which was about half of them, and piled them on the bed. 

Later, after work, I took them off the hangers and folded them so they can go to the thrift store. So happy, looking at that not-crammed-in hanging space!

Then, inspired by how fricking easy that was (after I got over the mental obstacle of "but I like some of these" and reached peace with "but I never wear them"), I pulled out the stack of yoga pants, pajama pants, leggings, etc., that was toppling over, and pulled some of them into that pile to go. Now I have room on the stack and don't have to reach over the ones I never wear to get to the ones I wear.

And, seriously, it probably only took five minutes. There's still plenty to do, but just with that little bit, my closet is a happier place, which makes me a happier person. Baby steps.


  1. I so need to do more of this. My problem is remembering how I was 112 lbs coming out of the hospital and how easy it would be to get that sick again and thus hanging onto the clothes that I cannot possibly get into now. And thank heavens I can't.

    1. Ah, the what-ifs and just-in-cases are hard to get past.

  2. You know I love me a good decluttering session! Doesn't it feel good? Also good for you for letting the "I never wear them" beat out the "but I like some of these." It is too easy to convince yourself that you may actually go back to wanting to wear one at some point. You should do the kitchen or the bookshelf or something while you are on a roll!

    1. It helped when I told myself that someone is going to be so glad to find these. Like new, some of them!

  3. I need to do the same thing.

  4. Good for you! Clothes shouldn't be a Collection; they're there to be worn, not looked at. I know you'll be glad and feel good about having more order and less crammed-in clutter.

    1. The closet is still making me actively happy to look at. Even on a Monday morning!

  5. I love this! I tend to hang onto my clothes for dear life, but sometimes thinking "wait, I haven't worn this since 2018" will spur me into a closet clean out. I love the "five minute burst" too.

    1. When I looked at the pile on my bed, I was hoping that after-work me wouldn't be cursing burst-of-energy me for pulling them out, but really it wasn't that painful.

  6. Are you surprised I LOVE this advice. Decluttering, going through a closet is the fastest "feel good" exercise I know how to do. I feel so light after clearing out at a space. Because each of those clothes you didn't wear was - even if it was subconscious - a mental heaviness when you saw them and skipped over them. Yay! Love it.

  7. This is 100% how I do my work. LOL. Just five minutes of dealing with this dumb email and then you can do something else. And usually I end up doing it for longer than five minutes.

    I've found that "decluttering" for me means throwing everything in the trash. I can not be trusted.

    1. I always reach that point during a move! But so far, I'm doing okay on this, while not moving.
