Saturday, October 13, 2012

A Quick Cat

As I said when I shared this picture on Facebook recently, "Either you are cat people, or you aren't. I are."

I was unloading the car today after some errands, when I noticed one of the neighborhood cats crossing the street. I would never let my cats outside (well, not the ones I love, anyway)(Miri), since it's a busy neighborhood and people cutting through often go way too fast. However, I won't let that stop me from saying hi to one, so I clicked my tongue the way cat people do to cats, to see if he wanted to say hi.

Well! He turned toward me with alacrity, showing more trust of me in an instant than Miri has in 3.75 years put together.
As you can see, he inspected the trunk of the car, to see what I was doing, and was very interested in being patted.
Big toes!

I didn't realize it at the time, but in looking back, I think this is Marcel, the cat who helped me put out a basil plant in 2010. No collar tag this time, and he's picked up a facial scar:
But otherwise, don't you think it's the same cat? Very friendly, anyway, which after the anxiety princess is much appreciated.

Plenty to tell you, but plenty to do tonight. Forget striking while the iron is hot, I have learned to strike while the head is not hurting! It was bothering me somewhat today, but for now the coast is clear. Allons-y!

1 comment:

  1. How about that? A familiar furry face.

    At my parents' house today, there were two "outdoor cats" (too pretty to be feral I'm guessing but they were collarless). One was even a CALICO and made "lovey eyes" at Mom. So strange!
