Tuesday, October 30, 2012

I'm Fine. Are You?

As you can see, the cats are very stressed by the storm.

I feel very fortunate to have come through the storm unscathed. The wind and rain yesterday afternoon felt like being in a giant car wash, and when the power flicked off around 4, I thought that was it for me, but it came right back on and stayed. This morning the sun is shining, part of the time at least, and there's hardly a breath of wind. We may have water in the basement, I haven't checked yet, but even the trash cans that blew away were dragged back this morning by a neighbor, and the regular trash pickup has already happened. Counting blessings very much, here.

How are you?


  1. Not one problem 80 miles west of Boston. The biggest mishap was when Tux was exploring the bathtub full of water and fell in at 0530 Monday. Yes, I had gotten everything ready Sunday afternoon - and all for naught but I'm not complaining. It's good to know you got through unscathed as well.

  2. I'm impressed the trash pickup happened. Lots of power flickering here, but it didn't go out. Glad you are O.K.!

    I did NOT fill the bathtub for the very reason Leslie describes! The Cat is a water baby.

  3. Glad you are OK - have been watching the coverage of New York and New Jersey and it's unbelievable.
