Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Y? Well, Y Not?

Tonight after worked I stopped in at the Y to see what it was like, the first step toward joining and getting swimming. Well, if Internet research counts as the first step, this was the second, but the first step out in the world. I'm trying not to lose momentum on this idea, even though it's such a busy time of year. Either the doctors are right, and exercising will lead to losing weight will lead to curing all my health-related problems, which would be great, or they're wrong and they can shut up about it.

Do I sound skeptical? I am. I admit that I don't believe that losing weight will help the arthritis in my hands, for instance. Yes, the exercising might, granted, but doctors are always "If you'd exercise and lose some weight..."

Not that I really think they'll shut up about it, even if I'm not successful. Whenever I am unsuccessful at exercise, which is every time I try, it's always because I didn't try hard enough, or long enough, or the right kind of exercise, or I wasn't eating well enough (read: little enough), or there was something I was doing wrong. Yes. I sound bitter. I feel bitter.

However! I went to the Y anyway! The nice woman took me on a tour of the facilities, gave me a pool schedule and a one-week pass so I can try it, and they're even doing a food drive so that if I join in the next few weeks and bring in five non-perishable food items, they'll waive the joining fee. So there we are.

We meaning me, literally, but you, vicariously. Keep asking how it's going, if I don't bring it up, would you? I want to try this for a few months, at least, and really give it a chance. A little external motivation, gently applied, would be appreciated. After remaining pretty much at the same weight for my months of unemployment*, I've put on a few pounds since I went back to work, and I didn't have a lot of "give" in the wardrobe to start with, if you know what I mean. And I expect you do.
*Not an ideal weight, mind you, but it stayed fairly level. Next best thing, really.

Right now, here's how I feel about this plan.
But I will persevere. Shortly. Next week, actually: there's no point in starting to use a 7-day pass the day* before you go out of town for two days. But next week. I'm thinking Wednesday or Thursday. We Shall See.
*No, I'm not going out of town tomorrow. I had something else I had to do tonight, and have plans tomorrow night. Friday's open, and that's the day before I go out of town. See? Makes perfect sense in my head.

Does anyone else swim for exercise? Want to advise on the advisability of goggles, or any other tool, technique, or equipment? They don't require swim caps; do I want one anyway? Will I want to rent a locker there? I'm thinking I'll just load up a tote bag with my stuff and keep it in the car, at least until that gets old. What haven't I thought of? (I know, epic question.)


  1. I know people use lockers at my Y because it's not safe to leave wallets/keys/etc anywhere else, while you are swimming. I have no idea if people use them long-term, like to keep their suits in. Never occurred to me.

  2. I've given up hope of finding a decent doctor. When I went into one with walking pneumonia, I was told to lose weight. (Uh, hi, want to do something about the green goo I'm coughing up?)

    Then a few years later, I injured my back on the job lifting a printer/fax/copier. Nope, needed to lose weight and my workman's comp claim was denied.

    I have no faith whatsoever in the medical establishment.

  3. The nice thing about the Y is you can try a bunch of different things and mix it up. Perhaps swimming is fun once a week or twice, but then you want to try a yoga class or just grab a magazine and get on an elliptical for 30 minutes or watch the news. Everything I keep reading says at least 30 minutes of moderate moving is impt each day, especially for us folks who sit in front of computers. So as you are gently encouraging me on my quest for better health, I will gently inquire from time to time about your growing affection for the Y. love you lots.
