Then comes March.
Yesterday morning, this roof top was clear.
It snowed lightly yesterday, not building up too much, merely teasing for what was to come overnight. This morning, I looked out the window, deduced that if I went to work, it would not be at the usual time, and went back to bed for an hour or so. I got up again, had some breakfast, and looked again: still snowing (horizontally due to the wind), streets only lightly plowed, steps and path need shoveling, drive not plowed at all yet, and substantial amount on car. Yes, call to boss, leave message on voice mail, and back to bed.
The sleep was highly beneficial. Last night I had a miserable headache, worse than I've had in some time. Though it was gone this morning, it left me feeling rather frail. Extra bed-time, with cat, helped a great deal. And clearly I needed it, since the next time I woke up, it was almost eleven! The picture outside was improved: the snow had stopped, the drive had been plowed, someone (else) had shoveled the steps and path. Even the streets were more discernible. I decided that I could handle it, and got myself ready.
Shoveling the car out was rather tiresome, of course. In fact, I cheated: I shoveled the car off, but didn't do the around that I should have. I was rather out of gas, metaphorically speaking, and since I could get the car out, I did.
The drive to work wasn't too bad, but I arrived to a virtually empty parking lot, and a locked door. Hmmm. I shall have to enquire if there is a number to call and check on such things, next time. I wasn't thrilled at the wasted trip of course, but I would have had to clear the car off anyway*, and I was rather pleased to have the rest of the day off! So I turned around and came back home. Before pulling into my spot, I did shovel out around it, thus removing that undone-work guilt.
*I would guess there were about 8 inches of snow on it, even with the wind blowing some off.
Since then, I've had lunch, and made the pot of chili that I was going to make yesterday before my head exploded. Tonight, since I don't really feel like going out again*, I think I will pass on Stitch and Bitch, and perhaps I'll even do my laundry! The excitement around here, I don't know how I handle it.
*The snow is only flurries at this point, but it is still coming, and the roads are not ideal, and parking will be messy, and ... I'm in, okay? In for the night.
Some more excitement (I use the term sarcastically) from yesterday: I discovered that I bought bilingual celery. All those years of French lessons, and I never knew that celery was counted by the foot!
Not that stalk makes any more sense ... but it's what I'm used to, is all.
And what's this from Saturday? Could it be? Cats choosing to be near each other?
Harold's not the only one relaxing. Miri is starting to think that maybe, just perhaps, every move I make is not intended to kill her.
Either that, or she trusts the camera now.
If not its operator.
That stinks that you ended up at an office. I too have had enough winter, we woke up with a foot of snow on the ground. I think the power outage we had out here made this winter way too much for me. I'm ready for spring.
ReplyDeleteHope your headaches have eased up, and the pretty kitties are still being good.