I went on a walk this afternoon, to celebrate the weather and the Bruins' matinee win, and as soon as I saw this object, I was glad I had my camera with me.
It's sort of hard to tell, but the light-up giraffe is wearing a Santa hat. Is this a Christmas story I missed? Can anyone enlighten me? (Feel free to make something up, if you can sound plausible; I'm stumped.)
Of course, this may not be my week, because when I saw the sticker on the back of this car, I felt I was missing its point, too.
Not the Red Sox sticker, this one:
Perhaps it's a Jeep thing, and I just wouldn't understand?
Harold was ready for his closeup the other day.
He and Miri are definitely playing these days. And does she love to play with toys as well! I cleared out under the couch today, and had to get the yardstick to reach everything under there. So that's where everything went! I thought the living room was looking less messy underfoot than usual.
In (ahem) completely unrelated news, I am now calling "dust bunnies" "fur bunnies", since the ones I see lately are much more fur than dust. Have I said already that I had no idea what a difference a long-haired cat would make? Wow. The fur, it goes by in tumbleweeds. Simply stunning.
This was not my most successful photography, but the ice on the window the other morning was really lovely.
You know, for a miserable harbinger of cold weather and all.
I've got no idea about the giraffe, but I guess the sticker is the "girly-version" of "bad ass boys need bad ass toys" that you sometimes see on trucks (at least on the west coast you see them a lot).