Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Yarn, and Other Lovelies

Finally, after many headache-related delays, I would like to show the yarn I got at Apple Festival, and other birthday-related items.

Yarn first. As I said, three vendors selling yarn, three vendors I bought yarn from, and I have in fact bought from all three before. This is neither a problem nor a complaint.

First, from Scandinavian Weave and Knit (they're the ones who go on from Apple Fest to Rhinebeck), a cobweb yarn in the colorway Stone. If you look closely at the tag, the fiber types aren't listed on it, which is why I made a note for myself. She said that her husband really prefers the yarn labels to remain small, which makes getting all the information on it challenging, and she hadn't noticed that in some cases, she missed this. Whoops! Lovely, all the same.
Next up is Golden Oak Farms hand-painted sock yarn, an alpaca/wool/nylon blend. I know, can you believe I picked blue?
Finally, from the Springside Farm Yarns people, this lovely all-alpaca blend--blend because it comes from multiple alpacas, not because it has other fibers in it. So soft and light and warm, mmm. The second picture is a better representation of the color.
As I also mentioned, my aunt bought me two photographs for my office wall. I have one of them framed, since I repurposed a frame I already had (though my photo of it is before it got framed). This is from the amphitheater at Arlington Cemetery.
I just love the lines and angles.
The other is a very different animal. But the colors! She said this was taken at the Seneca River, in Baldwinsville.
Then, in non-Fest items, I got a box from my mother which, she had told me, contained something fragile. I was worried when the box arrived, as you can see it did not get the best of handling en route, despite the FRAGILE tape across the top.
However, the contents came through just fine. Fortunately, since this is something I remember Mum having when I was a kid, so it's not like she could run out to the store to replace it.
Isn't it lovely? The angel salad will look so pretty this Thanksgiving.

Well, that's a good start on what I've been wanting to get down, anyway. Me and my residual headache (with heartburn) and my freshly bruised knee (bashed it on the desk earlier, ow) are off to the couch to watch at least the start of the Bruins game. Stupid NBCSN and their Wednesday Night Rivalry and their 8 o'clock start time! Still, better than the last two games, starting at 10...


  1. Dang woman. Cobweb yarn? Are you a masochist? Lovely bowl by the way. Glad the man-handling by UPS didn't mess it up.
