Thursday, April 30, 2015

Color Is Coming. It Is!

Today was the second day of a sales meeting at the office, which, first, was not nearly as annoying as at my last job, where we were all in the same room all the time, and second, meant that at least along with the disruption, there was leftover food. (That I didn't have to organize; I'm still glad about that.) Plus, I wasn't super-busy, so the distraction of the noise wasn't interrupting concentration all the time. Though I did have headphones in sometimes; Mozart kicks background noise away quite well.

This week, more and more trees are (finally, finally) starting to bud and bloom, greens and pinks and whites and everything. In some places, most trees are showing color, in others hardly any, so it's hard to know how many really, but whatever, it's wonderful to see any color at all. Tomorrow's May--doesn't this seem late? I don't know if it really is, or if I'm just feeling extra color starved after this winter, but whatever. Bring it.

I want to get out and take some pictures of it to share, but until I do, here's one from last year.
Pretty! I also miss the blue sky, we haven't been having much of that lately. Hopefully soon! Cross your fingers, will you?

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