Sunday, April 12, 2015

Now It's Really "My" Car

If I got nothing else done this weekend (and believe me, that is far from true), I can at least point to this one thing.

I went from this:
To this:
Click on the picture to see them better.

The stickers I had accumulated did not allow for a symmetrical layout, so I decided to be at peace with that. There is room for more wonder when I find it.

Incidentally, I probably mentioned at some point a year or two ago that I couldn't find a couple of knitting bumper stickers that I knew I had bought, and put somewhere "safe" (ha), so I replaced them. Finally, in the work-in-progress that is cleaning out my office, I found them! So, who wants "i knit so i don't kill people" and who wants "knit happens"?

1 comment:

  1. I would very much like "i knit so i don't kill people."
