Still, it's been an accomplishy day. The dishwasher got emptied, the checkbook* is balanced and no troubles appear immediately ahead (keeping fingers crossed), the tree is out and all the Christmas stuff is packed up and ready to go downstairs to await the next time.
*actually a spreadsheet, but somehow balancing implies checkbook to me.
I got some good kitty-cuddle-time, and the snow didn't amount to much. Plus, there are two garbage bags of stuff (first of many!) in the car ready to drop off at the Salvation Army, mostly sheets and towels from the closet-organizing I got done last night (I had a lot more than I ever needed, and really, why give it house-room?).
And when I saw this today:
I got to wondering. If you were a cat, do you think you would be a nose-tucked-in-tail sleeper?
Or a paw-over-eyes sleeper?
For myself, I can't decide.
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