Sunday, January 16, 2011

This and That Briefly, Then Cats

Before I get to the main reason for posting right now (insanely cute cats), I have to share two photos of extremely dubious boots. Extremely dubious. As in, who makes these things?

First, high-heeled work boots. Uh. Yeah.

Second, these are spike-heeled, red lace, and can you tell the non-red part is see-through?

Also, look where the newspaper landed yesterday. I had to use a yardstick to lever it within reach. You'd think the guy doesn't want a tip ever again.

I had friends over for dinner last night. Pretty table!

Now on to the main event! The cats have been extra cute today. Perhaps they are trying to make up for the meowing-to-be-fed-early-this-morning-and-then-hardly-eating-any-of-it. Or perhaps it is a total coincidence.

Carlos in dive pose.

Close up of dive: too many paws for one cat, surely.

Carlos and his friendly foot-warmer.

He is not kicking her here. He is fast asleep.

Upside-down-head tuck pose.

Furry yin-yang pose.

With dive pose, no extra charge.


  1. You mean you didn't buy the boots? I can't imagine why not when you could wear the see through ones with your hand made socks. Now wouldn't THAT be a look.

    Love the pictures of Carlos and Miri. She's so lucky to have you both.

  2. Those boots - WTF??! Must be why they were on clearance. At least I'm hoping they were on clearance.

    Your kitty pics make me SO wish my two were snugglers. Nothing is sweeter than a yin/yang vision of entwined snoozing felines!
