And because of that, and because there is a Bruins game tonight, I hope you will see why I am going with the look-at-the-pictures blog post tonight.
We've had a dusting of snow yesterday and today, and this morning I heard an odd noise and looked out to see this guy across the street.
Yes, he's using a leaf-blower to clear the steps and sidewalk. Good lord, man, pick up a broom already.
I saw this bumper sticker driving home the other night, and maybe it was just the mood I was in, but it made me feel rather cross.
Because sometimes we have to do things that aren't fun. To pay the bills, for instance. And it's hardly fun to clean up when someone's been sick, or to do eight loads of laundry, for instance, and yet, someone has to, right?
Meanwhile, I want to get a magic marker and correct this sign. Illiteracy bugs me!
"Comming" soon indeed. Grumble, grumble.
Fortunately, there are sights like this one to comfort me.
Synchronized kitties make me happy.
So does a cat sleeping on my lap, which I had last night, and hope to have again tonight. May your evening give you something you like similarly.
Just think, they probably paid someone good money to make that "comming" sign. By that standard we should be rich.