The friend I was visiting has a dog and two cats. The dog was too excited to get pictures of, though one blur of motion would have given you an idea of how glad she was to meet me. One of the cats was snoozing in the sun when I got there, but the other came to say hi. Isn't he a handsome guy?
We chatted and caught up and I got my Girl Scout cookies (of course, just to help her out, cause I'm a good friend that way), and we hit the road and headed to Webs. (She lives about half-way between me and Northampton, which makes everything very handy.)
Like last year, we both kind of hyperventilated at first. So much yarn! So much ... much! Having learned my lesson last year, I went immediately to the Socks That Rock stand to select the most important thing to me, and happily chose two skeins there. Then we decided to go to the back warehouse, to browse the marked-down yarn, and soon I was carrying a ball of something delicious to think about getting. We walked and touched and ogled.
If you ever want to knit Elmo, they have you covered.
And isn't this fascinating? What would you make with it?
We went from back to front and out back again. Everywhere you looked, there are things to see: bags here and there, buttons and bumper stickers (I almost got one that said Must Knit Faster, which I loved even though it doesn't make a lot of sense), and there are friends here and there too.
Even the stall door in the ladies room has appropriate decoration.
Personally, I find this pattern a little busy. But it's interesting!
I liked this one better, and even thought about it seriously for a few minutes. But though I like the pattern, I'm not sure I'd want a summer sweater that I had to wear a camisole under, and the little lacey holes would make that the case here.
Still, isn't it pretty? And I like the skirt it's displayed with; I think the lines go well together. If you're interested, here are the particulars:
Finally, having moved from holding the yarn to getting a basket to pushing a shopping cart (no, it wasn't full, but yes, I was tired of carrying at that point)(we were there for more than two hours, after all), it was time to take my bounty to the counter. I did some damage--but not close to last year, so I call that a moderate win. And I was (am!) very, very happy.
For lunch, we found the Northampton Brewery, where we ate the first time I went to Webs, when the Yarn Harlot was there a few years ago (remember?). I had some really good chicken and fries so hot I scalded my tongue a little, but dessert?
Get the brownie skillet. It comes out sizzling.
After lunch, we drove back to Hadley, and stopped in a large Salvation Army store we'd noticed last year. Isn't it great to spend time with friends who like to do things you like to do? I bought a mock-turtle like a favorite of mine, for all of $2.50, and I got four sweaters for cheap that I think I'll be able to undo for the yarn (a practice I have long heard of, but not yet tried). I'll get pictures of those, too!
Also at the SA, proof that I was thinking of my dear mother comes in the form of this poem, so sappy there should be sugar dripping off it (love you, Mom!):
And for the weird files, some ... well ... what would you call these, exactly?
... Conquistador wall art?
Some things do not make you wonder how they ended up donated. As my friend pointed out, they do make you wonder how they were purchased in the first place!
When we got back to my friend's house, we showed off the purchases to her husband and kids, and her other cat decided I was her new best friend, and was sweeter to me in five minutes than Miri has been in the last three years (possibly combined).
In summary, it was a super day, well worth the level of tired it has left me in. And now, off to photograph some lovely yarns and things!
I am still coming down. : )
ReplyDeleteThat is a lovely picture of Olie. When the girls saw it they were SO proud of their web star.
Can't wait to hang again.