Well, starting the week at a funeral isn't ideal, but hopefully things will only improve from here. I've been in a very odd mood today*, but again hopefully, tomorrow will be better.
I remember this feeling from my own bereavements. I don't want to go to bed because wait, there must be something I can do, or read, or watch, or eat, that will make me feel better, first.I did finish the scarf for my friend today. About 48 hours from start to finish, leaving me with slightly sore hands, but satisfied.

The pattern is
Palindrome, and the yarn is Lion Brand Wool-Ease, from the stash. I really like how it came out: the pattern makes the cables look good from both sides, and the yarn knit up with a nice springiness to it. And it will be a nice bit of wooly love for my friend to carry with her. Who couldn't use that?
It is so beautiful and I cannot believe you already finished it. She will love it. Hope today is better than yesterday, for both of us.