Oh, that Bruins game last night. Up! Down! Back! Forth! Bruins score (twice), Montreal scores (twice). Bruins score (once), Montreal scores (once). Overtime! I was so worn out that when the Bruins scored to end it, to win the game and the series, I was more relieved than excited. This series was emotionally exhausting. And don't think they didn't know it:
Funny moment from game 7: Playing off the Canadiens' fan chant of Ole Ole, I saw a sign in the crowd that said something along the lines of "See you Ole-ter!"
And now they play Philly, who historically ended their season a year ago (remember?). Oh, this will go well, I'm sure. I'll be watching Saturday afternoon, game 1 (you, too, Kate?).
Yesterday was such a crazy day that when I wrote last night I never even mentioned the weather, and for once it was lovely! Not perfect, it was cloudy too much for that, but warm! Why, 80, even! I loved it, so of course today was 70 and rainy, and the forecast for the next few days is in the 60s. Oh well. Having open windows has been wonderful, and it will come again. I just keep telling myself that.
Carlos will not be pleased when I close the windows, though. He was nervous when I first opened them last weekend, startling at noises and sniffing suspiciously, but he quickly transitioned to an imperious, "This window is not fully open! Open it at once!" attitude.
I heard about a Sheepshearing festival in Massachusetts this Saturday, but in the end I've decided not to go. It isn't impossibly far from me, and sounds like it might be a fun little thing to do on a nice day, but due to a combination of two factors*, I decided to pass.
*I might still have tried it if one or the other was the case, but both? Nah.
First, the Bruins game is Saturday afternoon at 3, meaning I'd have to get-up-and-go to have enough time to look around, and I hate doing that on a day off when I don't have to*; and second, it's $15 to get in. I mean, honestly, I know I'm cheap, but that's more than a day at Rhinebeck, for pity's sake. Can it be worth that? Hard to believe.
*Especially when I'm out late the night before, which I will be tomorrow.
Finally, this morning's quote of the day from the Happiness Project really struck me:
"No man knows how bad he is till he has tried very hard to be good....Only those who try to resist temptation know how strong it is."And it reminded me of the Oscar Wilde quote:
— C.S. Lewis
I can resist everything except temptation.
Spmetimes, no news really is good news.
ReplyDeleteAnd of course I signed up for the one lousy day of a library conference that is supposed to end at 3:00 on Saturday. I wonder if the game will be on the radio anywhere. Hmmph.