So the weigh-in was supposed to happen between 9 and 11 this morning. I usually have a small snack, like a granola bar, around 10 (creature of habit much?), but I figured I would wait until after the weigh-in, why add to the number, right?
10 ... 10:30 ... 11 ... hungry ... 11:30 ... at 11:45, I e-mailed the person to ask if I missed it? ... 12:00 and "starving". But I don't want to eat right before being weighed! (Like it's going to make that much of a difference, really, but still.)
She e-mailed back a few minutes later, to say she'd be over at 1*. No way was I waiting for lunch that long. I compromised and had my soup but held the apple for later.
*Or that was how I read it...
1 ... 1:30 ... 2 ... 2:30 ... another e-mail from her: if you haven't been weighed yet, come see me!
Oh, we're supposed to come there? (I may have mentioned before that the company is in two buildings.) When the contest started, she came over to the building I'm in, to weigh whoever was interested. I made the logical but apparently incorrect assumption that she would do the same at the end. It seems that was my mistake.
It's just more small stupid stuff. One person walks between buildings this way, or 17 people walk between buildings that way...
Fuck it. I can weigh myself at home. I just did, in fact, and the number was 227.6. At the weigh-in on January 5th, it was 238.8. Therefore, I lost roughly eleven pounds. Yay.
Further updates as events warrant.
It did stop raining today, mostly (mist this morning, light sprinkles tonight). The sun didn't come out, but baby steps. Maybe tomorrow. Hey, my mother comes in to town tomorrow, the sun will be out for me! Friday we drive to Grandma's, returning Monday, which is to say, I may or may not post for a few days here. In case I don't, Happy Easter!

Have a wonderful, sunny and warm weekend with mom and grandma. Excellent weight loss -- I'm envious.
ReplyDeleteHappy Easter, CCR!