The Periwinkle is simply solid milk chocolate in a cute shape. It's small, so you get two for a day.
They are yummy.
At stitch and bitch last night, I finished the cowl I've been knitting. This was actually take 2, or possibly two-and-a-half, but I didn't mind the reworking and I'm quite happy with how it came out. I'll have to write it up, but here's a preview:
Random Rant of the Day: There's a very nice man who sits next to me at work (I mean his cube is next to mine, not that he actually sits next to me at my desk or something), and he's mostly pretty quiet except for occasional prolonged discussions about the computer system thing he's working on.
I figure I probably annoy him much more than vice versa, with my regular nose-blowing (allergies) and tendency to talk to myself (I try not to do this at work, but once in a while I realize I'm quietly narrating myself through a project, oops). So I don't want to complain about the One Annoying Thing He Does Do, or let me correct that, I don't want to complain to him, but I do want to complain about it.
Here it is: you know the little scroll wheel on the computer mouse? The one that goes whirr whirr whirr as you scroll down? Have you ever been within earshot of someone who uses it All The Time? As though he was scrolling to the end of a 100-page document? And it goes whirr whirr whirr whirr whirr whirr whirr whirr whirr whirr whirr whirr whirr whirr whirr whirr whirr whirr whirr whirr whirr whirr whirr whirr whirr whirr whirr whirr whirr whirr whirr whirr whirr whirr whirr whirr until you want to scream?
No, me neither.
Just looking at that cowl makes me feel warmer.
ReplyDeleteI love my scrolling mouse, but even I know when to use Page Down.
LOVE the cowl! Great colors as well as the pattern.
ReplyDeleteAs for the (totally understandable) rant? LOUD LOL. I get it, but I can do you one better. *My* coworker on the other side of my cube wall is the queen of Zero Tolerance - 'way out of your league m'dear. I tease about giving her a "ZT" sign to wear to give others a heads-up.
One of the temps is pushing really high-end dark chocolate wafers on all and sundry. Being a carb slut, I wasn't too worried at first about succumbing. He was REALLY pushy and I have no regrets.