Friday, December 19, 2008

Today is Better.

Or at least not as rotten, and I'll happily settle for that.

I went in to work today prepared to work another ten hours, dig out my car, and drive carefully home to find out if I would have to dig out my parking space (answer: probably). Instead, I heard from my boss (working at home today) that we were to leave at noon, or earlier if it started snowing earlier.


I even checked with her on what she wanted me to work on (since I can't bring any files or the like back in next week while I'm away*), and she told me not to bring my laptop home, but enjoy the time off. I like that answer! I was probably home 90 minutes before I saw the first snowflake. I've had Harold cuddle-time, I've finished five loads of laundry (all but the towels put away), and although I'm still tired, I'm much less stressed than I was yesterday.

*Away! Away! I was talking to a friend today who mentioned something about "going home" and it's true: I've never lived there, but it's home. I'm going home for Christmas. Ahhh.

Now, do you want to hear the funny math?

I was hired with your basic 40-hour work week. Up to this week, I was working about 42 and a half hours, since I never took the hour lunch. It might even have been 43 hours, since I would sometimes get to work a few minutes late, or leave a few minutes early.

Then this week, as I've already moaned about, we were told to start working 50 hours until things get caught up.

On Monday, I worked ten hours.

On Tuesday, nine and a half (my boss sent me home half an hour early).

On Wednesday, nine (holiday dinner).

Yesterday, ten.

And today, four.

Thus? Forty-two and a half.

Don't tell me life doesn't have a sense of humor.


  1. I was wondering about your 10-hour day with yesterday's storm so it's nice to read your employer is humane and human :)

    Have a good trip "home" for the holidays. I hope the weather cooperates.

  2. Don't you love how companies don't hire or refine processes when there's backup, but order their salaried employees to work longer hours?

    I love the book: The 4 Hour Work Week. It's about whittling down to essentials, and really getting. stuff. done.

    DH has also had time at home this week, which has been really nice. This is his first office job since shortly after we've been married, and it's quite the culture shock. Having the time at home has been a good way to ease into it.

    Have a great weekend!
