Wednesday, May 15, 2024

The Beauty Is Still There

One of my Facebook memories this morning was a photo I posted eight years ago, of the beauty in tulips even as they were dying.

And I mean, come on, just look at that detail!

Nature is amazing. And it reminds me that, even when I'm not feeling perfect, I still am. And so are you, in case you also needed the reminder.


  1. Nature IS amazing; and I'm experiencing the same bit of beauty as the last of my peonies are dying...they are still exquisite.

  2. Those are excellent shots! I'd never thought of it this way. My tulips are in the same shape right now.

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you! I felt like I couldn't be the only one who needed to hear that.

  4. The colors! And form of them, too. Beautiful!

  5. Cultivating an awareness in beauty in all things is a skill. Thanks for sharing this with us.

    1. It is a skill and gets better with practice! I often have to remind myself, when I'm frustrated by a small thing, "If that's the worst that happens today, you're having a good day."

  6. There are snapdragons about this colour that are my favourite. I am not feeling my best right now, and it is a good reminder. Also to start gardening so I can plant something in my back yard that isn't a weed.

    1. Or if it has to be a weed, it should be a pretty one!

  7. Love this. And yes, always need that reminder.
