Thursday, May 23, 2024

On Packing

The work week started off with a bang, unfortunately, with a few rush projects from people who can't seem to plan ahead, but by today things had calmed down again, for now, and I was able to spend some of the work day thinking about and starting my packing. 

(And I assure you, I appreciate the leisure to do so! One of the many benefits of working from home is not needing to "look busy" if there's nothing to work on. I recall reading books on Project Gutenberg, the last time I worked in an office and needed to fill time while sitting at the computer.)

I also appreciate that the extra time allows me to move around doing things but take frequent breaks. I'm not temperamentally suited to leave it to the last minute, but that would also be physically hard for me. My back has been bothering me lately, despite the prodigious amount of ibuprofen I take, and when I move around too much or bend over for more than a few minutes, it tends to remind me that this is Not A Good Thing. Frail human bodies!

So I started making piles and sorting through things, and it occurred to me that in a past life, I might have been one of those eccentric women who would bring an extra pack mule on a trip to carry her feather bed. Not that I have ever slept on one, but I can imagine the luxury of not leaving the bedding to chance on the road.

In this life, however, I am merely someone who breaks down everything she wants to pack into groups, according to whether I'm checking a bag or not, and what I want access to on the plane versus that which I want to carry with me on the plane (even if I am checking a bag) but don't need to get to, etcetera, etcetera.

What can I say. It's a method that works for me. When I lived in Massachusetts and drove to Syracuse to visit family, I had a separate list for driving, too. Though at least all that just had to fit into the car, not within luggage limitations. I don't travel light very well; I definitely prefer to just-in-case what I bring. But I do have to rein that in, for the sake of the suitcase.

I had stuff on the floor and turned around at one point to discover I had gained a helper.

Doesn't she look pleased with herself.

I got most of the Stuff sorted out, and tomorrow (or tomorrow night, if work is busy all day), I'll do the clothing. Yes, that's always last: my pack-planning tends to go in this order:

  1. Knitting
  2. Things (bath kit, on-plane entertainment and care, just all the stuff)
  3. Clothing

What order do you go in?


  1. Whatever works for you is the best! I used to travel a lot and have kits of toiletries and other items that stay permanently in my suitcase with some replenishment. My carry on has chargers, a spare set of underwear and socks, PJs, snacks and anything I can't fit in my suitcase. When I travel just with my backpack (my carry-on) it's more complicated. I start with basics like socks and underwear then move into clothing, usually by color themes so everything mixes and matches. Short sleeves, long sleeves, tee-shirts, sweatshirts, a light jacket and a variety of pants, capris and shorts/leggings. I wear my heaviest clothes on the plane.

  2. I always make packing lists too, even though I don't really need them - I always bring the same basic things! But it gives me great comfort, that's for sure. Sorry your back is giving you such trouble, ugh, back pain is awful.

  3. Your back might be flaring up, too, because of your foot. Any change in gait can wreak havoc on your back.

    I detest packing, and I especially hate packing if I'm flying. I tend to pack light, and I favour a basic colour scheme so I can mix and match everything. And I'm a major list-maker. Love the security of crossing things off!

  4. Sounds like how I do it.

    On our last trip I found myself packing an extra set of nice but rather plain clothes--a cotton skirt and cowl neck LLBean cotton top. We were going to a wedding. The MIL of the bride told us after we got there that the bride wanted it strictly informal. She wanted it Texas style, no playing dress-up. Given that it was only a two-day trip, the fact that I had packed that extra outfit saved the day and kept the bride happy. Phew! (It also totally justified my over-packing, past and assuredly future.)

  5. Just the best helper ever! I have a list and make a pile in the guest bedroom then seem to pack: clothes, toiletries, hobbies. Last night I had a dream I didn't pack any clothes for this trip I am going on this weekend LOL.

  6. I have a packing list on Excel that I tweak depending on length of trip or season, but I always only bring a carry on and would rather wear the same thing over and over than bring a bigger bag. I also have learned over time that most things can be bought wherever I am going if needed, but 99% of the time, I do not need to buy them in the end. I do struggle between being organized and saving money vs. being minimal though (like, I don't want to be running around Boston looking for a phone charger in the middle of the night when I can just bring one).

  7. p.s. I hope you're getting to scritch a kitty while you're missing your Maggie. Have a great trip!

  8. I always make a packing list and I'm different than Kyria in that I'd rather over-pack and have more outfit choices than under-pack and have less. Even though I know I'm not going to wear ALL the outfits I pack, I feel more comfortable having options. I first pack up all my clothes in their appropriate packing cubes, then toiletries and such, and then my hobby stuff like books, tech, etc.
