Saturday, May 11, 2024

It's Movie Ratings Time!

It has been a hot minute since I last posted the movie ratings from the Boston Globe that amuse me so much. Well, almost two months! Here we go:

For some reason, the single curse is amusing me. Did they count? Or say after, it was only one, right?
I guess it is, at that. As they go on to say:

That's specific! And also, ouch:

This is what the local paper had to say about the same movie. Four and a half stars versus two! 
Had you heard that?

Just very casual (but the good kind, as opposed to below). By the topic, I would have been interested in seeing this, but by the review, well:
Not the good kind of casual.
How nude is that, exactly?
Tennis, anyone?
In the name of love! They should have worked that into the tennis movie rating.
Oh, no, not glamping! 
Ha! But also no thank you.

Any of these on your list?


  1. Your "Tennis, anyone" was the funniest part! A smash hit.

  2. Wicked Little Letters but only because I love Olivia Colman.

    1. Fair enough, that's as good a reason as any to see a movie.

  3. I think in a PG-13 movie you are only allowed one of the more "harsh" swear words and if you use more, it bumps up to R. So I suspect lots of people counted!

  4. Too hot to handle, too cold to hold, we're called the Ghostbusters and we're in control!
    I'll be humming that for a while now.
    My takeaway is - there is ANOTHER Ghostbusters???

    1. Who can keep up, right? I've only seen the original one. I think of it frequently when I pass a Lenny's furniture store down here, and remember Bill Murray, talking to the mayor: "Lenny, you will have saved the lives of millions of registered voters."

  5. In X-Men First Class Hugh Jackman got the single F bomb. Worth it.

    1. It's hilarious to me that you remember it! But then, I didn't see the movie, so I don't know how it was done.

  6. I want to try Wicked Little Letters, despite mixed reviews!
