Friday, May 10, 2024

A Day in Maggie's Life

I'm still thinking about doing a day in the life or photo every hour post for myself, but in the meantime, I thought it would be funny to do one for Maggie's life! This is from yesterday (Thursday).

A few notes to start:
*Yes, it's mainly eating and sleeping, with some bathing time. She's a cat. This is what she does.
*Cats sleep a lot, and older cats even more. Maggie is 12, according to the paperwork that came with her when I adopted her, and that's not young for a cat.
*Yes, she does eat very frequently. It's partly because she's spoiled, and partly because she has a sensitive system and is prone to throwing up, so I prefer to give her smaller amounts more often.

6:30 AM: We get up: she knows what the sound of the alarm means and hassles me immediately for breakfast. She isn't impressed that I go to the bathroom first, but in short order, she's getting her wish. I will spare you a photo of the cat eating in a dimly lit room.

7:30 AM: Still on my lap, while I finish with the newspapers and my coffee. Though she's very ready for more food as soon as I get up!

After eating, she is generally ready to be tucked into a blanket, though it can be a production getting her in while maintaining the illusion that it's all her idea. Which blanket she wants varies, but recently she has been very fond of this grey blanket on the file cabinet in Mom's room, because of course. Why be on a bed or somewhere soft, really?
Cat, implied

As she often does, she came out when I was eating lunch. Her radar for me eating is very finely tuned!

"Anything good?"

After I ate, I fed her again, and she washed her face on the lanai, as she likes to do.

Then she did some dithering about where she wanted to go, but she finally ended up back where she had been.

Two hours later, there she was again, saying, hello, food? She finished off what was left in the bowl from last time.

Where did she go from there? She was in prime "come settle me" mode.

This time, she wanted to get in the blanket on the bed, but as Mom was taking a nap under it, I threw another one on the bed for Maggie. Which she grudgingly accepted.

If you've lost count, this was her fourth nap of the day. Nice life.

An hour later, around 3, out she came again. More food? Sure. Then the blanket? No: she was in full Goldilocks mode, and nothing was quite right. But when I went back to my desk to work, along she came a few minutes later. Mom?

Tried again, nope nope nope.

Maybe more food?

I eventually picked her up and put her under the blanket on the couch. This doesn't always work, but it's worth a try. She lasted about 45 minutes and then:

She had to wait while I wrapped up a few things, and then she allowed as how she could eat the food I put down last time. So nice of her. Shortly thereafter:
And back under a blanket.
But an hour later, she came out on the lanai and settled down next to me, on her box.
There's just nothing like a box.
My eating dinner brought her to my side, as usual.
Once I was done and had fed her, I sat down and boom, insta-lap-cat.

Later on, she moved onto the footstool for a really energetic bath.
Showing off the belly fur.
And then back on the lap.
An hour later, back to the footstool
An early-to-bed night for me meant that after feeding her again, she was right there with me. 
I call this the sideways lap.

She doesn't spend the whole night in bed with me, but comes and goes. This morning, I woke up just before the alarm went off, and she was right there, in my face, ready to start the circus again. As we often say here, good thing she's cute!


  1. Mari is 13 (I think?) and has some of those same habits. She doesn't like to sleep under things though but drapes herself over the backs of the loveseat and the recliner. She likes lap time too, especially in the morning. Does your cat do the zoomies? Mari does a lot of them, generally in the early evening.

    1. Maggie totally gets the zooms! Not every day, but pretty often. Racing into a room, up on the bed, back down and out again, racing a loop around the living room, sometimes barely touching the's hilarious.

  2. My cats don't get under blankets, ever. Cats are so individual; it's one of the many great things about them. Maggie has a great cat mom.

    1. Thank you! I had a cat years ago (Pan, for anyone who's been reading that long) who was convinced that he wanted to get under blankets, but he didn't like the blanket being on his ears. So he would nag to get under and then start shaking his head violently. He never stayed under long.

  3. Such a fun cat to watch, even vicariously. Wish I had one, so I'm kind of borrowing yours here.

  4. Zelda is an old lady cat about the same age as Maggie and she mostly sleeps and begs for food. Honestly, seems like a good life to me!

    My cat doesn't get under blankets. Neither does my dog. I just want SOMEONE to cuddle with me on the couch, but alas, I'm all alone.

    1. You remind me, amidst my wishing she liked to be picked up and held, to be glad that at least she likes to be on the lap!

  5. Her face when she wants food! OMG, so cute. If I wasn't already wishing I was a cat, Maggie's life would be making me wish it ;)

    1. I do love it when she looks at me like, I'm giving you a chance to do the right thing here, come on. And she looks so disappointed if I don't leap up.

      I frequently wish I could be a cat, though I'm careful to specify a pampered house cat. I don't want to end up a stray!

  6. What a sweet life Maggie lives! Ellie likes those under-the-blanket naps, which is all fun and games until I dump a bunch of laundry on the bed and don't realize she's under the covers until she jumps out!

    I am totally stealing this idea, btw!!

    1. Go for it!

      My mother hadn't lived with a cat for many years until I moved in, and I had to teach her to look for the suspiciously round lumps under blankets.

  7. I love this post! We joke that our old dog had a very strict nap schedule: her pre-breakfast nap, her after breakfast nap, her mid morning nap, her pre lunch nap, yada, yada yada. The puppy is awake a lot more than our elderly dog used to be, but we can see the same pattern of naps starting to develop. It's tough for our fur babies to stay on top of their sleep.

    1. They work hard, don't they? ;) I was going to do a very literal picture-every-hour post but she's under blankets so much, I did a kind of hybrid instead.
