Tuesday, May 14, 2024

A Few Random Things

When I feel like blogging but I'm not sure what to write about, sometimes looking at the pictures I've taken recently reminds me of things.

This weekend was a get-stuff-done weekend for me, working on the to-do list ahead of my trip in two weeks. I got a fair bit done off the list, as well as a few things that weren't on the list but feel good, like organizing the linen closet (which, boy, did it need it).

Maggie was quite displeased that I got around to flattening some boxes that had come in recently. Where did the boxes go? 

Don't worry, she still has multiple boxes all over the place. Just not those boxes.

Speaking of herself, I had to laugh at this part of an article about hurricane prep. 

Yes, I have plenty of pictures of Maggie!

It wasn't all work, either: I read this book, The Mars House, over the weekend, and it was good! 
Strongly written and full of uncomfortable ideas, people grappling with how to do the best they can, and a few twists that really took me by surprise. If you like sci-fi, give it a look. 

This is a container of dirt.
Okay, but hear me out. I plant cat grass for Maggie regularly, so I buy a thing of potting soil every now and then. Last week, I went to plant a new pot of grass, and found the bag had lots of tiny flying bugs in it, yuck. (At least that answered the question of where the heck they were coming from, since I had been noticing them recently, just one at a time, but they like to fly directly into my face and it was, you'll forgive the pun, really bugging me.) I threw it out, bugs and all, and bought a new bag, and a container to seal it into, where, crucially, I can tell before I open it if the bug thing is happening.

The things I do for her highness.

I bought a new set of sheets, one of my old ones having finally worn right through in the middle, and at first I really laughed at the slogan on the tag. Live your adventure? On sheets?
But on second thought, yeah, that's about as adventurous as I get. Send me to bed.

Finally, someone's cat, doing a very Cat thing. I mean, it had to hang there long enough for the owner to get the picture! How?
Cats are not quite subject to things like the law of gravity, are they?


  1. I use photos to give me focus on what to write and then often end up off topic. But it's a place to start! I love cat photos; it's why I stay on Instagram. Personally, I'm a huge fan of Amazon's microfiber sheets which are $16 for a 4-piece set. They are cool when you want them to be but can be warm too. And they are so cheap!

    1. It is a place to start! I don't always stay with where the photos take me, but it gets me going.

  2. LOL the sheets! I'm at the point in my life where Bed is the last place I want to have an adventure.

    I have a huge bin of peanuts in the shell that I use to feed the bluejays. I keep it in the basement (I don't want other wildlife in my garage chewing a hole in it). Lately, I noticed each night a moth flitting around in my living room. It really started irritating me. I'd kill it, but another one would take its place. Well, I open the bin to refill the peanut jars, and it's the source of the moths. !?!? The nuts must have had larvae in there. Sigh. I mixed in some mothballs and hope for the best.

    1. Bugs are so determined! It's such a balancing act between keeping them out of things and keeping them out of the home.

    2. Sounds like flour moths. A warning: their favorite food is chocolate. I'm not kidding. Mothballs could harm the squirrels; what I did was to buy a small metal trashcan at the gardening center and keep the birdseed outside in it. The raccoons have tried to yank it open but failed.

    3. The moths are in the peanuts. In the shell. Which are for bluejays. I don't store flour in the basement, and what I do have is in an airtight canister in my kitchen.

  3. Yes! Take photos of your pet from all angles and NEXT TO THINGS so you can see how big the pet is. Sheesh. It's easier with cats because most cats are cat-sized, but dogs come in a variety of sizes!

    1. I know what you mean, but "most cats are cat-sized" really made me laugh! I guess I have enough photos of Maggie on my lap to give a sense of her size.

  4. Whoever wrote that clearly loves a pet and knows the full-phone thing well. As they should.

  5. One of my very favourite books of recent memory was The Kingdoms by Natasha Pulley - I am saving her other books for when I need a pick-me-up. I also desperately need new sheets and since Bed Bath and Beyond is closed in Canada I am utterly paralyzed trying to decide where to look for them. They're not adventurous, but comfortable sheets are crucial!

    1. They are! I had heard that Eddie Bauer sheets were good, so I decided to try them. Got them on Amazon, actually!
