Tuesday, December 01, 2015

Functioning, but Still Cruddy

So, I know you're wondering, when did I get in bed last night? And the answer is, 6:30--yeah, I really did feel that bad. And I'm sure I was asleep by 7, which means that getting up at 6 gave me 11 hours of sleep (minus bathroom breaks, but I fell right back asleep each time). I sure did need sleep after Sunday night, even more than usual. And I didn't even wake up feeling great, which is a little frustrating, but also makes me think about how I'd have done with less sleep (not good, I imagine).

This morning, although I wasn't feeling great (throat slightly better, but frequent cough), I had delusions I could go to the swim class tonight. This afternoon I faced up to the fact that if I barely had the energy to work (every hour or two, I'd go lie down for a few minutes*), there was no way I could exercise for an hour. I really want to make the swim class a habit, but not tonight, I'm afraid. Bummer.
*Another benefit to working from home; if I didn't, I doubt I would have gone in today, what with being possibly contagious and definitely not quiet, ahem-ahem-coughcoughcough.

One of my friends offered to drop off supplies today, if I needed anything, and really I'm fine, but the mentality of "I'm sick, I should have whatever I want" has me thinking of ice cream, pudding, eggnog, all the delicious and not at all non-caloric things that slide right down a sore throat and don't tend to trigger coughs. But I have some yogurt, and soup, and really I'm fine. I even have chocolate, which mostly doesn't make me cough, and is worth it even when it does.

And I'm certainly going to bed early again. We'll see just how early.

1 comment:

  1. Yup, we've had this same thing this month. There was a lot of lying on the couch between bouts of activity. The cough lasted forever, but the sore throat didn't, thankfully.
