From left to right is the order I got them in:
- Lunasea, which has blues and greens and light purples
- Lucy in the Sky, beautiful blues
- In the Navy, strikingly similar to Lucy
- a skein of Mill Ends, meaning it has no proper name, but one could call it mermaid, or Caribbean, for its blues and greens
- Muddy Autumn Rainbow, which has some blue but more of other colors
- Midsummer Night, blues and grey-blues
I made my Bigger on the Inside shawl with a heavier-weight, but it was also from Blue Moon, and in the same colorway. Ahh! I would have bought this skein anyway, but now I'm going to use it to make these Tardis socks, just because I can. I have to get a little sock-weight yarn in black and white before I can start.
Pending that, I started mitts to use up the yarn I had left from the shawl. I think I'll have enough, but that's part of the experiment. So far, so good, as you can see in this awkward left-handed photo.
Meanwhile, I'm doing laundry and dinner is in the oven, and overall chore progress is being made. What more can I ask from a Sunday evening?
Well, him, of course. But I don't have to ask for him, I have him.
Grooming! What, does he have a hot date tonight? :)