You may recall the first Wingspan scarf I made from its
Carlos-assisted photo shoot. I
mentioned recently that I started another, and I wanted to show how it's going. I'm on the fifth triangle by now, but after three I took pictures, which give a pretty good idea.

It's heavier yarn, so it will be bigger than the first I made. A casual comparison showed it to be about a hand-span deeper, or longer. When I have a finished object, I'll be sure to photograph them together so you can see.
It's hard to see here, but I am using two different yarns (the
Noro from Savers and the
Iona from the crawl haul). The colors are amazingly alike! I guess that makes this shade of blue officially "my color".

In person, and in certain light, it's easier to see (and feel) the difference. Though both are aran weight according to Ravelry, the Iona is a more consistent thickness, while the Noro is more thick-and-thin. Other than that, they're pretty similar to work with. I'm looking forward to seeing how they each wash and block.
I did have a slight problem with the needle I'm using, which is a new one and a new brand to me.
Knitter's Pride needles are reasonably priced and quite pretty. When I started knitting this, I was pleased with the smoothness of the needle and the pointiness of the tips. However, my yarn started to catch in one spot on the needle, and when I pushed the stitches aside I could see there was a snag spot. I wanted to finish the row before I looked at what I could do to fix it, but before the row ended, the repeated snags actually pulled a chip off the needle. Surprise!
You can see the size of the chip, and the location of the matching dip now on the needle.

All's well that ends well, however. I went over the spot with a nail file and then buffed it to smooth it out, and it's perfectly fine: perceptible, but smooth. As long as I don't have any more problems, I won't complain. (And if I do, I'll return the needle for replacement.) And away we knit!
ltu When a snag develops on a KnitPicks wooden needle you just call and they send you a replacement SET (2 needles) with no need to return the original. The Knitters Pride are from WEBS, right? Do you call WEBS with the problems or Knitters Pride?