Saturday, March 10, 2012

I Can't Not Talk to Myself

It seems that I am incapable of going about my day without talking: to the cats, to myself, to the universe. Normally this isn't a problem, particularly as it doesn't bother me to be caught talking to myself in public (do I really care if someone in the vitamin aisle of Target thinks I'm crazy? no), but with this throat, I can set myself to coughing simply by breathing "wrong", and talking is even more likely to lead to that cavernous-echo cough that leaves me holding my throat and re-learning to breathe. Ow.

I didn't sleep that well last night; it seems that working so hard to breathe softly was not conducive to relaxing into sleep (unisom tonight). This morning seems to be slightly better, but that may be wishful thinking; it certainly isn't gone.

Yesterday was better than Thursday, at least. I showered, dressed in non-sweats, went out--only to the library, but still, that was more than I felt up to on Thursday. I don't want to push it, and will still take it easy, but going in the right direction is heartening. If this is a cold, it's a mild one, and that makes me happy. Of course, I'm sorry I wasn't out in the record-setting warm temps on Thursday, but it was nice Wednesday too, and I was out for that. This morning it was snow flurries; let's pretend that never happened.

Knitting has been going well recently, and perhaps I'll update on that tomorrow. There's a Bruins matinee today, so I have to get ready for that!

1 comment:

  1. I'm sick today too - bad sore throat, headache, iffy stomach. Sorry to hear you, too, are still under the weather my dear.
