I'm going to need to ease into this, like getting in the water when it's not quite warm enough...
A while back, I pondered the idea of getting business cards for my job search, the idea being to have a (quick, professional) way to hand out contact info prior to the full resume. I didn't do it then, but I'm going to do it now.
And it's going to look like this:

Except of course it'll have my name above "Proofreader", and phone number below it, and full e-mail address, naturally. If I had InDesign, I'd make/fake a version for the blog, but I don't*, so you'll have to use your imagination.
*Except at work, and I don't think that's exactly what they pay me for.
What do you think of it? By which I really mean, how much do you love it?
I have a new theory about Miri: I think that she thinks I am three different people, depending on whether I am standing, sitting, or lying down. I'm basing this on her behavior and evident trust, depending on what I'm doing:
If I'm lying down, I am to be trusted unless I make sudden or violent movements, particularly arm movements (hands are of course extra scary). Turning over in bed is usually allowed, but occasionally causes her to flee. Otherwise, though, she'll curl up with me and Carlos, allow me to pet her and even kiss her fur, as though this was perfectly normal.
If I'm sitting, I am to be cautiously trusted. She will approach me, warily, allow me to pet her, repeat, then skitter away, to a safe distance beyond arm's length. She'll approach if I'm sitting at the computer, on the couch, even on the john, but oh is she ever vigilant.
If I'm standing and walking, look out, she'll freak. About one time in a thousand, she won't run from me when I walk toward her (I think she doesn't run that once just to mess with me). Generally, she flees in panic from the merest hint of motion. Body language doesn't help, as I try to indicate that I am going right when she is on my left, or that all I want is to pet Carlos, lying nearby--and she runs anyway. And if she's in the window by the bed and I come in to lie down, she will almost always flee even though lying down puts me in condition green: lying down again. Flee first, ask questions later.
I don't think this information is going to help much, in practical terms ... but I do think I'm onto something.
Short Takes
- This afternoon at work, one of the printers near my desk began making a Noise. A most irritating Noise. I suggested that it resembled Morse code, while my more prosaic neighbor countered with the possibility of a belt that needed oil. Whatever the cause, given that the printer tends to go pretty steadily all day, just 15 minutes of not-quite-continuous noise (it sometimes stopped for as much as 10 seconds) was enough to have me on the brink. I'd rather it broke down (a not-uncommon occurrence) than have to listen to that.
- Preppy Isn't Dead, example 2: I saw a man today in knee-length pale yellow shorts and loafers with no socks. At least this one wasn't spotted walking into an office building.
Red ink--look out! Here comes the Proofreader. She means business and she'll mark you up good.
ReplyDeleteEr, I mean well.
Interesting theory about Miss Miri. My parents have a very skittish cat (runs away even faster than Miri) but he has come a long way from his early days. He was abandoned as a kitten, so maybe it's "mommy issues." Poor kitties!
I think the card is grand!
ReplyDeleteNo comment about Miri, I've never encountered that condition.