Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Worth Enough Words for One Night

I'm just impossibly tired tonight. Walking home in the heat and humidity (OMG the humidity people urp it's wet-wool-blanket weather*) absolutely wiped me out. We're going to be picture-heavy and text-light tonight, and that's if I can manage to get the pictures in.

*That's when the air is like trying to breathe with a wet wool blanket over your face. Summer in North Carolina was like that, just about every day.

So! Welcome to New England:

Legal's gotten itself into trouble with its sense of humor before. Some people just can't laugh at themselves.

This one reminds me of a tour bus I saw once, with 1-800-NICE-BUS on the back. Easy phone number to remember, right?

And what else would you call your tow trucks?

This photo isn't here for funny, but for delicious. That was some good root beer. Local, too!

We weren't eating in Bristol, but we were in the neighborhood. In fact, look at the wine list:

Where are the wines from? California, Italy, Chile ... and the popular "5 miles up the road".

They had some fun signs on the walls, too.

I can't tell you how much I wanted to straighten that one before taking the picture. Oh well.

And I had to wait for the couple sitting at the table to leave before I took this one (these people, cluttering my photos). Not only might they have thought me a touch odd, but the guy on the left was blocking part of the sign, and we can't have that.

1 comment:

  1. You know, I worked across the street from pretty much the only Legal Sea Foods in the area for a while, and I never ate there. Still haven't tried it. Hmmm.

    Yeah, photos are so much better when there aren't people taking up all the space. :)

    Mmmmm, root beer. That looked good.
