Friday, July 16, 2010

Friday Night, and the walking's gimpy

Cliches become cliches for a reason, and it really isn't the heat, it's the humidity. Uf da. The air is solid dampness.

By the time I got home tonight, I was damp myself (you're welcome!). Not quite as if I'd jumped in a pool while dressed; more like I'd gone swimming in my underwear, then dressed without drying off. Fun. (I have a whole post brewing on how I'd better see this helping me soon, damn it.)(You're welcome!)

And today it actually hurt me! Just a little, though, and I blame the guy in the SUV who, as I walked past while reading my book (just to be clear, he was parked), called out to me that I would fall. "Haven't yet," I told him, and okay, maybe I jinxed myself but it was his fault, he started it!

Because down the road, I stepped off a curb wrong and twisted my ankle a little. It isn't even the ankle that hurts much, actually, but I sort of bruised the side of my foot. It's a wee bit puffy, and ouchy feeling especially to walk on, and has an icky-looking sort of blood blister thing.

Wearing shoes tomorrow is probably going to be more interesting than strictly necessary.

There were guys on the street soliciting for the Red Cross today ($$ not blood), and I'm afraid I gave him a bit of a start. I said sure, when they stop telling me I have Mad Cow. (They stopped taking my blood, got to be ten years ago, because I spent a year in England. In the 80s. Before I donated a couple of gallons of blood. And platelets.)

You have to have principles, you know? If my blood isn't good enough for them, why would I give them money?

I'm joking ... kind of. They're a fine organization and help a lot of people. They just put my nose out of joint, and it shows no sign of going back in place.

The book I was reading was Amy & Roger's Epic Detour; it's a YA title I read about somewhere, and I really enjoyed it. My subway ride home went like this:
  • get on
  • sit down
  • pull out book
  • look up: halfway there already?
  • look up: oh, we're there? Already?
Yeah, I liked it. Might even buy myself a copy, that's how much! It somehow managed to have events unfold in a thoroughly "right" way without being overly predictable.

Aren't books wonderful? I'll have to tell you more of what I'm reading these days, some time. I know you can't wait!

1 comment:

  1. I think I ordered a copy of that book for my former school library--interested in reading it myself, so I'm glad to hear it's good! I hope your foot's doing better.
