Monday, July 19, 2010

Woe Unto Those Who Scorn Proofreaders

Massachusetts recently released a list of 1000 great places in the state.

Turns out, they put 996 items on the list.

And got some in the wrong cities.

Plus some of these great places are closed.

But they probably saved money by not hiring a proofreader!


  1. Well, maybe that opens the door for a future edition featuring an actual proofreader!

    Philly went through a typo debacle several years ago where some tourist/historical-type signs were installed, after which someone noticed the word "experience" was missing the "i." Whoops.

  2. That's the kind of thing that 996 people out of a thousand would shrug off, saying, "close enough." It's also the kind of thing that sends me right over the edge. I'm glad I'm not alone.

    (While we're on the subject of picayune irritants, I really wish Google would get its stupid software fixed so it would give you the verification string the first time, and wouldn't make you type in your password twice.)

    (My verification string, now that I've been given one, is glitars. Presumably rhinestone cowboys use them.)
