Friday, July 30, 2010

Quick Friday Moments

Well, if my Friday isn't quite like this:

funny pictures of cats with captions

It is at least feeling like this:

Hallelujah!!! It's FRIDAY!!!!!

I was in bed by 8:30 last night. Around 8, I got all bent out of shape by something stupid, because I was so tired that I just could not cope. (Why am I so tired? Is it this stupid exercising?) I even knew, while I was feeling it, that I was losing my shit out of all proportion to the offense, but knowing it didn't help.

I didn't fall asleep right away, but just lying in bed was such a wonderful, physical relief. I read for a few minutes before lying down, and it felt like something was pushing on my shoulders, trying to get me horizontal. Crazy tired. I'm not quite that bad tonight, but I won't be up much longer.

Snark Moment

There was a moment at work this morning when I wanted to open a conference room door and say, "Dude, FTLOG, I sit four rows of cubes away, the door is closed, and I can still hear you. Clearly. You are not in a thousand-seat theater projecting to the back row. You are in a conference room that is filled by a table seating 12. Tone it down, please."

Proofreader Moment

Errors I have found at work this week:
  • thnk
  • carefullly
  • quanitative
  • conceptulally
I mock spell-check as much as the next word-nut, but heavens, this sort of thing is What Spell-Check Is For. Crazy as it may make me when spell-check suggests "alarmed" for my carefully typed "Alameda", and little though it helps when you have a their/there/they're or pour/pore situation, misspelled words are its reason for being. Use it.

Please. Every time you don't run spell-check, a proofreader dies a little inside.


  1. Tonight, they had a category on Jeopardy! about spotting the correctly spelled word in the clue. The contestants did surprisingly very well.

    I'll second that "Hallelujah!" (Also, first cat appears to get his wine from my Italian cousins.)

  2. > Please. Every time you don't run
    > spell-check, a proofreader dies a
    > little inside.

    Ha. Nicely put. You might want to take a look at a program called Spell Check Anywhere. Search for it on google. It adds spell checking to all programs.

  3. This never-ending tiredness makes me wonder when you last had a complete physical and blood work-up done. Your regular exercising and walking usually increases energy levels, not depletes it.

    Loved the FTLOG remark. New acronym to me. It'll get used. A lot.

  4. exercising in high heat and humidity can take it completely out of you. just something to consider.

    and, yes, walking home is exercise. compounded by being tired from the day this just doesn't help. I know you hate the bus but you might reconsider that hateful 5 minutes until it cools down.
