Sunday, July 25, 2010

Counting to three can be good, on a not-great day

One of the things that sucks about being an adult: having to get off the couch, whither cramps and a headache have sent you, to do laundry so you have something decent and weather-appropriate for work the next day.

Two things that can suck about neighbors: one, when they cook something that smells delicious and you can't have any, and two, when they cook something that smells repugnant, and you have to hold your breath in the hall.

"Three good things that happened today" is something I like to consider when I get in bed at night. Tonight's could be that I finished the small secret knitting project AND mailed it out, that I slept in (which gave the headache med help in removing the worst of it), and that there are sunsets and rainbows if you look for them:

There's also knitting that I can show you, namely the growing drop stitch scarf.

This is one of those times when knitting makes me feel rather clever.

And that is all for now.


  1. Whoa! That is a huge rainbow!

    Nice knitting--I finished the Crazy Aunt Purl book (prize courtesy of you) and now I want to take a knitting class. Or take out the crochet stuff that is in storage somewhere from when I tried to start.

    Hope you feel better today.

  2. oh the yarn is perfect for that scarf! so glad you could find a really good use for it :D
